Friday, June 19, 2009

Square One?

What's going on? My mind is so... blank...

I woke up 10 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds ago.... Gosh, these powers really are as amazing as I've read. Well when I got up, I was in a little, dank and dark room. Before me was a computer opened to a blog page, my own page. I had no idea what was going on, so I began reading, from the beginning. I couldn't remember any of this, but I supposed I had to be Damian West, seeing as I can do almost all the things listed in these blogs.

When I finished my blog, I moved to Tempest and Cleo's, and then TechPower Co. and read them from start to finish.... I'm a monster, but... why? I should've finished writing faster, if I had then maybe I could remember what happened that caused me to do everything that was listed in all the accounts I read. Well, no longer. No more killing for Damian West. Right now I just want my memories back, so I'm taking off. You know how to reach me ofcourse. Stay in touch

Damian West

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Greece, 4000 BC

After the Fates shot me back 6000 years, and Jorge to God-knows where, I awoke to find myself in a different world. Ancient Greece. It was such an alien area, but thank God that I had two abilities that I would've died without: Intuitive Aptitude and Omnilinguilism.
Omnilinguilism's purpose is obvious, but maybe you're wondering what Intuitive Aptitude did. Well it allowed me to understand the economic and political system of Greece (I was never a good history student...), which were vital things to know. Let me give you the run-down of what happened during the 5 and a half years I was gone.

The first 4 years were uneventful to say the least. For about a month I was in shock, but quickly adapted. Through Mental Manipulation I got an abode, a very nice, multi-room marble house on a hilltop with a huge farm area on a patio. Olives and wheat thrived everywhere, and I worked hard on the fields, not using powers unless I needed them, because I was trying to build up my physical strength, however I manipulated many people to exchange for some extremely rare commodities. Teleporting still worked, but civilization was different. I was able to tour around Asia, Mesopotamia, India, Egypt and The Americas, seeing history in the making. The Aztec and Mayan cultures intruiged me the most, and I wondered if any of the advanced scientists had abilities. None did, and believe me, many times I would use my Info. power to absorb their memories. None had any abilities that could be counted as superhuman. Infact, for a very long time I didn't encounter another special, and I knew many, many, many people worldwide. Shapeshifting, Omnilinguilism and Telepathy allowed me to fit in anywhere, and I'm pretty sure I met just about everyone worldwide, which sounds like a huge accomplishment, but there were nowhere NEAR as many people then as there are now. I'd say maybe 1 million people worldwide, and plague and war were running rampad, so the population varied greatly from one month to the other.
I mainly kept to Greece, letting life go by, and enjoying city life. Greece was an early democracy wherein all wealthy, land-owning male citizens would gather and decide EVERYTHING for the city-state. By 2009's standards, its a huge sounding feat, but in reality there were maybe 40 of us in that council. Yeah, I helped make decisions... Aw hell why lie, I made EVERY decision in my favor, or if I liked someone, I'd make whatever they wanted happen.
Come to think of it, throughout all the time I was there, I only made a few friends. Most people either died by 40 naturally, or were drafted into the war, so whenever I had an aquaintance they would eventually disappear. I had a few encounters with women of the past, probably had a kid at one point... One of many things I regret, messing up blood-lines throughout history... Passing on the Power genes, when they hadn't evolved yet, but I'm pretty sure I never had a kid, and plus, I have probability manipulation. I used that wisely...
The worst part was the nightmares I'd have. Every night I'd hear Jason's bloodcurdling screams, see the horrid sights of the Fates, remember Jorge, and think back (or forward) to my life, mainly the people I killed. I'd wake screaming atleast twice a night, not getting good rest once for the entire time I lived there.
Then one day, I think the Mayan's equivalent of November was when it happened, my quaint life changed. I was sleeping, dreaming... Horrible Nightmares. When it happened. An earth-shattering explosion. Huge, woke me up before my dreams could. I jumped up instantly, flexing my now buffed, tanned arms, which I set alight after a moment. Nothing in such an early time had that kind of power to my knowledge. I walked outside and saw that a huge section of the town was on fire. The farms of one of the elders, Suez, was burning horribly. I teleported right there and TFPed some water to put it out. I looked around to see what had happened, and saw Suez standing on his porch with a shocked look on his face. Literally. His whole body was coarsing with blue sparks. Yep, he had just manifested a power, the first power in recorded history. Ofcourse, I ran up and made sure he was okay. He couldn't respond, but instead put up his sparkling hand and a ball of blue lightning appeared in his palm. This could be bad, an untamed power without any proper instruction, and the Hunger jumped instantly, after being dormant for 4 years, I needed the strength, but I held back. Suez and I had become friends, so I decided that instead of killing him, I'd instruct him. For a few weeks I showed him my abilities, and explained what I knew. Information sharing and Telepathy helped alot with explaining modern, complex terms about genetics and such.
Seuz started off great, and learned to control his Electrokinesis quickly, but then one day he did something horrible, that I shall not forgive him for.
One day I decided to visit China, they were starting out their civilizations, and I helped them a bit. I stayed in the village chief's abode that day, which wasn't much more than a big hut... I traveled for days and when I finally got back to Greece, I was appauled. Left and right, statues of Suez had popped up, big ones that must've taken ALOT of manpower to make. I could also see marble slabs being worked on by dozens of men and women and even children, being made into Seuz's likeness. Seuz had become the first of the Greek gods, more popularly known as Zeus.
I walked around and saw MUCH destruction. Old worship areas were obliterrated, and smoking. Houses were singed, and burnt bodies were lying in the street every few dozen meters. Chaos would be a nice way to put it. I knew what to do. I teleported to city hall,a huge bulding in the middle of town on the largest hill. I snuck in invisibly, planning to kill Seuz and take his power away, but I didn't have to. When I got there, Seuz was speaking to a man with a dagger. I couldn't hear them, but I read the assailants mind. He had only one though. KILL KILL KILL. He was brainwashed, like John's victims, and I knew the Fates had ended their first competition of making Seuz have abilities. He was powerless against the killer. Seuz shot lightning, which hit the assailant in the chest, but didn't stop him at all. The killer jumped forward and stabbed Seuz right in the heart. A huge electrical jolt went out of him, and he fell down, dead.
I walked up, and felt that the killer's thoughts had calmed. That's when I realized something else. The assailant was Seuz's son, Arsei. Guess who? Yep, another famous god of the past, Ares. Turns out he had Heightened Physiology. I knew he was a vital figure to society as a whole, so I teleported away and let him live. I didn't want the timestream being altered too greatly by my presence.
However, I knew the emergence of them was great, because it meant the Fates were out there too. I remember that they had been in a room where there was a lava-pool. I thought hard, and realized that near the present day area of Pompei, there was a volcano. Mt.Vesuvius. I decided to check there first.
The next day I teleported to Vesuvius and pushed the rock walls away to walk through. I phased through lava rock, molten lava and many mineral sediments until I found what I wanted. A pool of lava which was surrounded by 3 ugly, old hags in purple and blue robes. I jumped out instantly, making my hands into giant claws. I tried TKing then to the walls, but they didn't move and I was stopped midair already. One looked at me, and I saw that she was horribly ugly, just as much as she was in 2009. The other thing I saw was the aura of power surrounding her. She shot me with a beam, and I fell into the lava pool.

I awoke what felt like a short while later, to a vibration that started soft, but then got huge. I felt the world around me, it seemed like a compressed shell. Then it exploded, and I found myself a mile in the sky, surrounded by lava and ash. I knew I had to fly, so I navigated through the giant black cloud around me and found a small island to land on. I instantly felt out of place. All over the island were buildings, and not Greek style ones, more modernized, but still Ancient style. This wasn't the same place I'd just been. The second thing I noticed was the screaming, panicing people all around the area. I looked at where I'd been and saw an erupting Vesuvius. Yep, I was in Pompei during the time of its ultimate demise...


Thursday, June 11, 2009


Where am I? When am I? I don't even know how long its been. As soon as I got back I got on a computer to record what I'd done. I have yet to check the date, but I can feel that it's June 11th, 2009. I'm beginning this at 8:02 PM EST. A little ability I picked up recently, heightened awareness... Wow, its amazing how little time has passed here, when for me its been... God, how long? 5 years...7 months...12 days... 3 hours... Well I'm probably boring you with the details.
Fact is, I disappeared without a trace. Last I recall there was something happening with Death and John. The helix mark on my forearm has yet to have faded. It still burns from time to time, a constant reminder of who I am... or was.... God, its so surreal to be back in 2009. I knew I'd end up back here eventually, after all, I can't die, but I thought I'd have to wait a long time to catch up with myself. Thank the gods for what I learned, what I did. I regret alot, but it was destiny, it was fate. I know this now, but this is probably very confusing for you guys. Maybe I should explain what's happened to me for the past gods-know-how-long.
So yes, in case you worried about me, you were very justified in that. The dreams I'd been having all that time ago meant something. My fate was being toyed with, and I found out about it. My source was Jason, the dream manipulator I met back at my old High School. He was dealt with, horribly. My heart goes out to him, he's gone forever and not coming back no matter what. Its been guaranteed. But because of what I knew, they tried killing me, but I managed to evade them by going back. WAY back. All the way back, to a time over 6000 years ago. Here we go, time for me to unwind and tell you all the horrors of the past 5 and a half years of my existance:

It was a while ago, could've been March, April or May... Maybe June? I started having vivid dreams, seeing the future, the past, the present. Visions of the world literally tearing to shreds, visions of Heroes that stopped it from happening previously, visions of what was leading to it happening now. Surprisingly, most of what I saw that lead to the Earth's iminent destruction was caused by myself, Tempest and Cleo. I'd wake up night after night in a cold, frozen sweat with a whisper running through my head in Greek..."FATE" it would say.
One day I began to blog about the dreams, when it happened. I fell unconcious, and dreams began. These were the past and so vivid, the images are burned into my head forever. I saw three old women, specials, the most special actually. Reality warpers, Fate warpers. They had the strongest abilities there were. They all looked identical, and all had grim looks on their faces. They stood around a pool of lava, in which was reflected the image of another special, who was shining like the sun, and flying above an ancient city made of marble, with large pillars supporting building that shone white. Towns people dressed in togas and robes rushed outside to praise the flying special, and he shone brighter and brighter, I could sense his pride. Then the most unexpected thing happened. He just suddenly exploded. And not John exploded, where he lets off energy and then is fine. No, his body erupted. I had no idea why, but then I saw that one of the old women had made a hand motion. Imagine that, ending a life from who knows HOW far away, with a flick of the wrist? Then the image shifted to another scene in the lava, this seemed to be in medieval Europe, as the dress of people showed. A great general stood atop a hill, his eyes glowing yellow as he controlled an audience of possibly thousands bellow. Then the women snapped, and the general was shot in the head with a musket, fired by an unseen assailant in the crowd.

More and more similar images swirled on and on, until I saw one that truly shook me. In the pool of lava was reflected a boy with messy black hair sitting before a computer. I only saw the back of the boy's head before one of the women waved a hand, and he fell face-first into the keyboard. As he did, his neck turned and I looked at the boy's face. My own face.

The image of my own dead body faded into a mist, and I wanted to scream and jump but I was paralyzed in fear. As the mist cleared, a being began to walk forward. I recognized him as the Dream Manipulator I had had an encounter with not all that long ago.

"Those women," he began "Call themselves the Fates. They have the strongest abilities in the universe, and cannot be matched by any force. They believe themselves to be the weapons of the universe, killing specials that gain too much power and threaten their existence. Their next targets are these." He waved a hand and three misty images appeared: Me, Cleo and Tempest.
I gasped, finally able to speak for a moment, but I couldn't get a word out because the dream suddenly seemed to explode on itself, and the desolate black emptyness Jason and I had inhibited just then, suddenly became a horridly ravaged field, full of volcanoes and gulches and chasms and lava pools. Explosions rocked the Earth beneath our feet, and gashes poured lava towards myself and Jason, whose name I'd just learned through Telepathy. I quickly used terrakinesis to push the lava back and close up the ground.
Came a horrid cry that seemed to emmanate from all around us. I didn't think, instead I jumped forward, grabbed Jason by the wrist and began to run. Technically we were still in a dream, so his power had some influence, allowing him to fly quickly, and so I decided to fly aswell. We went in a zigzag pattern, and lava erupted every few seconds beneath our hovering bodies. We flew next to each other for what felt like hours, evading and evading. More than once we would get hit and experience horrid pain, but we could both heal as long as we were in the dream. All the while the insane cackling of an old hag surrounded us, mixed with the occasional scream of PERISH! or DIE FOOLS!!! or some ancient Greek curse whenever she missed us with her explosions.
It seemed that the Fates eventually tired of trying to blow us up, and suddenly the landscape altered, as four hard, steel walls began closing in on us fast. We were both hit hard with an impact on all sides, and the walls began to squeeze us horribly. I waited for the moment, and finally got it. Just as my skull felt like it'd burst, I felt Jason's hand on mine, and phased us both through the walls. We ended up in a spike field, with metal spires constnly shooting up from the ground in random spots. One nearly implaed me as I rushed over to Jason's tired body.
"We're gonna die..." he murmurred
"No!" I said valiantly, although not fully sure whether to believe myself or not "We're getting out. This is my dream, so you AND I can control it."
"But so can they," Jason gasped "And if we left the dream, I'd be powerless, and they can bend reality as we know it!"
Then an idea hit me, harder than the steel, crushing walls had a few moments before. They could bend reality, but so could we...
"We gotta get out of this place" I told Jason "I'll find you in the real world the moment I wake up. Now c'mon, go! Who knows how long we've got until those hags realize we weren't turned into a Rubix Cube." With that, I read his mind and found the location where he was, and I found myself back in front of the the computer.
There was no time for me to do anything, nor warn anyone. I just teleported to Jason. When I got there, I saw him sitting on his bed, with his head in his hands. He was crying.
"C'mon, that's not gonna help anything." I said "Those Fates want us DEAD, and they can bend reality. We don't have much time before they realize what I'm planning. And I'm trying to protect you too" I grabbed his wrist, and found myself teleporting to a place I needed to be. South America. I had to find a friend.
It took me a moment to register where Jorge was with my Clairvoyance, but as soon as I got the spot, me and Jason were there instantly. Jorge was making small objects morph and hover before him. His powers had recently been diminished, but he could still help us.
"Damian. Jason." He said without turning. "I take it you wish for me to help you with the Fates. They wish you, Damian, dead for being too powerful, and you, Jason, dead for trying to interfere with their plans. Well, I ca--" He was suddenly cut off. I didn't understand why, until he fell over with a Bronze dagger sticking out of the back of his head. He was dead, unless that dagger was removed, but we didn't have time for that. The Fates were in the room.
There was dead silence for a moment, I felt like I couldn't think, which I really couldn't by the way, something the Fates did, and then one stepped forward.
"Damian West. You are the most interesting specimen we have created thus far." I looked at her with confusion. "Allow me to explain. We three were the first ever 'specials' as you call us. We used our powers to help mankind, inspiring myths and great tall tales. We showed man fire, and fishing and much more that progressed them. Then we one day grew bored, so we decided to pass on our genetic codon, the one allowing us to manipulate the very fabric of reality. We gave it to a few individuals at first, and chose the strongest of them to watch. We would place wagers on whether the individuals would grow to be good or evil, and whether they would help humaity, or harm it. My sisters and I often sent in bait to push them to either side. However, if they grew too powerful, we would tip the balance and make them weaker. It has happened many times. Peter Petrelli, Hiro Nakamura, Gabriel Grey, even your friend Jorge Santos here. All grew too powerful, so we threw an obstacle at them so that they would become les of a threat. However, if the obstacles we threw did not work to the desired extent, we'd simply kill them. Oh, what a shame that you, the first Second Chance we ever gave, must be destroyed utterly. You have shown that you've been tempted by evil in TWO lifetimes. It is not fair to allow you to live. We've tested you time and time again, sending specials into your path, and almost everytime you've encountered one, you killed them, just as I, whom bet that you would stay evil for all eternity, suspected.
"Your chapter has come to a close Damian West, as has yours Jason Bourdain. Your deaths shall be swift." With that, she lifted a hand, but what she didn't realize was, during her speach, I'd managed to telkinetically remove the dagger from Jorge's 'soft-spot'. He was concious and we'd been planning telepathically. The same moment the fate tried to kill us, I created a clone of myself, and Jorge made one of Jason. Together we made an illusion so that the real Jason and I were invisible, and our clones exploded horribly, screaming with terror just like the real thing.
"You think you've fooled us?!" A second fate stepped forward, she just as ugly as her sister "YOU CANNOT ESCAPE FATE!" Our illusuion collapsed and she pointed at Jason and me. First, Jason was ripped to tiny bits, his body tore apart very slowly, and his cries of agony still haunt me now. The floating pieces of his body then each was vaporized, and Jason's life ended forever. I felt bad, but this gave me just enough time to shoot a fireball at the fate. She simply stopped it without batting an eyelash, and then put up her hand. A hole appeared in her palm, a black hole. It began to suck everything in the room in, and it was all I could do to try and hold myself and Jorge down for a little while, until finally we, too, were sucked into the vortex.

I blacked out, and the next thing I remember was opening my eyes to an extremely bright light and the smell of olives. I shielded my face and let myself adjust to the climate. It was hot, but dry. I rolled onto my side to see that I was in a grassy plain. That wasn't what shocked me. What shocked me was that I was staring at a huge rocky, mountainous area, where atop one mountain-top was the Parthenon, not the antique it was now, but shining beautifully, with people in togas walking to it holding offerings to burn in a large fire I saw going on inside. I stood and looked around. Everywhere was either grass or mountains. I was in Ancient Greece.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Baited, part 2

So like I said in yesterday's post, I had a weird dream...

I fell asleep very confused about how the painting I had seen, which was clearly in Precog's drawing style. It had been of me slicing open the head of a man named Devin in Massachusetes. I had gone to Massachusetes and killed Devin, and then when I came back, Precog sasid that he hadn't painted that picture at all, and to top it all off, the painting was gone! I couldn't understand, so I decided to sleep to clear my head...
The second my head hit the pillow, I entered a dream. I was standing in the Nevada dessert, in a place called Coyote Sands. All around there was chaos, as a storm raged all around me and people danced to the sound of panic all over. Men with guns were shooting at helpless people, running around a bunch of wooden cabins. I thought it was some sort of mindless massacre, and then I saw some of the innocent people being shot at using abilities! Powerful ones too! Sound manipulation, Wave-shooting, Superspeed, Telepathy, Energy blasting, and tons more! Oh how I hungered for those abilities, but I found myself immobilized. I was completely unable to move, I could only watch the destruction. Of course, I hadn't yet realized I was in a dream, so I guessed someone had frozen me in place with an ability. Then it got even more confusing.
The madness disappeared, and I was simply standing alone in the night of the dessert. It was cold, and I tried t fire myself up to get warm, but it failed. I was held in place, and then a woman walked out of the shadows, pretty literally.
"Ah, our latest subject" she said in the classic voice of a Hollywood-Style witch. "You really are easy to manipulate, and I'm going to win this round, thanks to your weakness!" It took me a second to realize she was speaking in Greek. I opened my mouth to speak, but she stopped me. "Don't both asking me a thing, I can read your thoughts, you can't block me, even with that nifty trick I so generously gifted you." She saw my puzzlement and then chuckled. "You didn't really think a telepathic robber would just conveniently walk up to you when you were looking for one? Who do you think has put post humans all around you! Earthquake-Man, The Omnilinguist, The telepath, Devin Reok, your latest victim! All were placed by mineself!" She would have continued, but I interuppeted her.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to use brain control, but none of my abilities worked. This made her laugh hysterically, a very awful noise to hear.
"Oh, boy, don't you wish you could know... Ha, the game is as old as time itself, it gets old, its always nice to throw in a twist. You've been very interesting from the start, but my sisters decided to give you a reset, the first one we've ever given, simply because of how truly evil you turned out! Oh, you are a lucky one, but it seems your falling down the same path, thanks to my little inserts, like the painting! Ah, young minds are so gullible." She laughed her awful cackle once more, and then seemed to fade into the shadow, her cackle echoing in the empty dessert night.
At this, I jumped awake, and wondered what had happened. Was that really a dream? Could I have been visited by another Dream Manipultor, or was it just my imagination acting oddly. As these questions picked my brain, I decided that I should go to school today, to clear my head of all the super-human dilemmas for atleast a few hours. I teleported to my school, and realized class wasn't starting for another hour or so, so I decided to make this blog.

Keep me updated on the plan

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baited Part one

Well, our plan is in action soon. We're getting ready, and through Tempest and our entire group's sharing of abilities, the plan seems foolproof, but I wanna make sure...

I took a little trip to Massachusetes, after a little tip off, by which I mean a painting of Precog's which depicted myself ripping open the scalp of a man in a cluttered apartment with street signs outside with directions in Massachusetes. I teleported to the coordinates outside the room in the painting, which I saw a good picture of on GoogleEarth's street-view feature. Man, the internet is pretty dangerous.
I walked into the apartment complex on the coner, and phased invisibly through every room and cooridor until I found one similar to the one in the painting. The only difference was that this place wasn't cluttered. Infact, it was the opposite. This place was crazy organized, and there weren't any papers anywhere.
The small room consisted of a chestnut desk with a black chair tucked neatly into it. Upon the desk was a computer without a keyboard, or mouse, or even a monitor for that matter. I looked around, and there were several random computer towers scattered all over the apartment, although not in a messy method. They were stacked vertically across walls, being the only decoration. There was a small door leading to a bathroom that was very plain.
The one-room place had no kitchen, and there was only a portion of a wall dividing the office area from the bedroom, which was nothing but a king sized bed that was quite disorderly on one side. I walked up and quickly realized that only one side of the bed was ever occupied. The man that lived here was lonely as anything. Probably a miserable existence.
I rummaged around, looking in the only storage unit in the bedroom, a dresser of 4 drawers, and found normal clothes, but also tons of flash memory drives and floppy disks. Broken and cracked CDs lined the bottom of this guy's drawers, but everything here was flash memory, not a single piece of paper anywhere! This guy was a tech-freak!
I waited around a while and got really bored. This guy had no TV! What a horrible place to live. I looked outside and found that night was falling. In the painting, I killed this guy, who I couldn't identify at all from his crappy apartment, during the day, so I thought it best to just leave. This guy wasn't coming any time soon. I walked out and there it happened.
I saw a man with a brown briefcase walking down a sidewalk towards the apartment complex I had just exited. I jumped behind a wall of the next building on the left, and watch the man walk up to the door and punch in an entry code. This could've just been anyguy, but I was reassured that he was the one I was looking for when 3 men in full black body armor holding automatic machine guns rushed into the building a few moments later. I went invisible and followed them after they kicked down the door of the complex.
They rushed up the stairs to the room I had just exited and grabbed the man, who was unloading a bunch of DVDs which looked pirated out of his bag. The men rushed in and threw him down to the floor. They raised they're guns, and fired their tasers, but I stopped time and telekinetically threw the tazers aside. Afterwards, I grabber all their guns and began to burn them in a pile, but they wouldn't burn in time freeze, so I resarted it. The Hunters were all insantly shocked, and suspected that the guy had done it. I was tired of this, so I read his mind to find that his name was Devin, that's it though, I wanted the power to be a surprise. It sure as hell was!
As soon as the Hunters were off guard, Devin jumped to his feet and grabbed two of their heads. The guy's eyes suddenly went white, and they gasped and fell to the ground. The third guy punch him in the chest, and, being a weak, slightly overweight guy, Devin had the wind knocked out of him. He sprawled to the floor, and the hunter pulled a knife out of what I can only assume was his ass, since I didn't see him make a motion for it. He was gonna kill my prey! Uh-uh, not happening Bub! I threw the guy out the window onto a waiting van filled with reinforcements, just incase. I threw the other two bodies as well, and they all piled on the van. Before they could recoop, I threw a big fireball and lit the truck up.
Seeing an opporinity, Devin rushed out the door, but I wasn't letting that happen. Screw the painting, I'd kill him at night.
I grabbed him with telekinesis, then threw him against his wall with it.
"YOUR POWER" was all I had to command. He instantly entered a bronze-eyed trance and began to explain it.
"I can take information from anything and know it. I can project my info onto other things too, infinitely. I'm a human back-up, but it works on everything. Those agent, I took away all their memories, which wiped em clean, like a new computer. I keep all the info in me foreva', ain't no gettin' rid of it, but I can take from anything. DVDs, CDs, computers, flash drives, I can learn alarm codes, anything. It works on books too, and all sorts of documents!" He got out of the trance and I saw how shocked he was.
"WHAT DO YOU USE YOUR ABILITY FOR?!" I commanded, to see if it was a justified kill. Instantly, he got into a trance.
"I pirate CDs and DVDs, then sell them illegally. I also steal computers, and tons of other things and blackmail people for money! I rob banks by learning security codes and wiping guards, and I'm a crook!" He finished and got out of the trance, he spoke normally "You really saved my can back there wit' those guys."
"I don't let anyone touch my prey..." I said, and began to split his scalp, as the truck outside finally exploded, and the shockwave sent a huge gust of debris flying through this apartment, and lighting up the night sky, just as the painting depicted. Guess Precog is always right.

Anyway, so I killed Devin and took his power, then teleported back to HQ. Its then that something weird happened.
"Precog, your painting came true" I said as I passed him in a hallway. He just looked oddly at me.
"What?" He looked dumbfounded.
"The one with me, and the guy. You know, the whole..." I moved my finger like I was cutting a skull.
"I haven't painted you killing anyone recently..." He said, and just walked away.
This was odd, so I teleported to the painting's original location. It was gone! I looked around the whole room, but the painting was gone. I can't explain what could've happened, but then I had a dream...

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Death is horrid thing to play with....

If you've read Cleo or Tempest's blogs, you'll know that in the past day or so (you really lose track of time when you control it) we've infiltrated building 26, visited the location known as Coyote Sands, and had a few close encounters with the man named Death. what they haven't told you, is the Behind the Scenes story...

Everytime I shut my eyes, I keep having these amazing dreams. It sounds ridiculous, but I know that they aren't just dreams. I've met Dream Manipulators before, and the dreams they give you are VERY vivid. These dreams are beyond that level of vividness...
In my dreams, I see Heroes of olden times, Khufu the great Egyptian King, BeoWulf, Takezo Kensei, Benjamin Franklin, Martin Luther King Jr.,Thor, Crazy Horse, Sacagewa, Rosa Parks, Jason of the Golden Fleece quest, all great men, but also others. Great conmen, thieves, crooks. Al Capone, Hitler, Stallin, Castro, Napoleon Bonaparte, and many more who I couldn't name. Their lives have been shown to me, the paths they took to righteousness of infamy. Its always amazing to watch them, rise and fall. But something interesting about all these men: All were special...
That's right, everyone I've been seeing in my dreams had had an ability. Electrokinesis, Rapid Cell Regeneration, Persuassion, Summoning... all different, but so the same.
I'm beginning to understand how truly connected all specials are to each other. I tried to kill Cleo and take her ability when I was the old me, and now she is one of my greatest allies, and her greatest enemy, Death, killed my adoptive aunt, which makes him mine mortal enemy aswell. The dreams have opened that up too. Takezo Kensei, for example, was no hero... I've seen his life, he was a monster, he wanted to kill billions of people. Napoleon wasn't a villain either, he was a great man with good intentions who got corrupted by his ability of Accelerated Probability, which helped him win many battles. Its all fate, but they all had something in common.
A Pivitol Point.
Each of the people I dreamed of had some pivotal point in their lives, which forever chose whether they would be good or evil, and I think that may be coming up for me soon. The Dream Manipulator at my school said I would be tested soon, or something of that nature. Maybe I'm the next in this line of great men and women from all of time... who knows??

Also, at one point recently I was assaulted by Death seemingly, and I now have a helix scar on my wrist. It stings like a bitch, mate! And the fact is, no matter what I shapeshift into, I cannot get it off! I've tried turning into dozens of people, and none of them are helix-free! This thing must have some special properties, like that Petrelli guy's face, whom I was reading about in some old files recovered from a place called Primahearst or Pinetech, or something like that... I don't know.
Well I Thought-Form Projected myself a wristband to cover the scar, so it should be invisible. Hopefully no normal people see it. If they do, I may have to move to some sucky place to hide, like Australia or something... Ha, Australia! That place doesn't even get good TV shows!

Til next time

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tin Can Man

So Aron is back in the world of the living, thank God! It was really good having him back, and also I had a little adventure that had some great results recently. You may be interested.

So everybody had been calling me to go meet up with Healthbar and Tempest, so I finally went. I teleported to the spot right before Tempest, and I saw him feel distaste as he recalled the phenomenon of teleporting.
He walked me through the elaborate TechPower Co. until the three of us found an empty room, which to my understanding was a storage closet of some kind. Healthbar asked me to get on my knees, insisting that I would feel less pain. The thought that she may be extracting revenge on me for what I had done to her while under John's control, but I trusted my allies more than that.
Healthbar placed her glowing hands on my head, and we both simulatanously gasped. I felt awful for an elongated moment, like my brain was being torn in two. It was as if someone were pulling at my conscience with tweezers, and pinching extra hard while doing it.
I felt a metal ooze begin toflow from my pores, like a pudding filled with painful razor filaments. Healthbar and Tempest argued about... something.... I couldn't hear them over the roaring of pain going on in my head. I would've been screaming, but my whole body felt paralyzed, stuck into place. The razor-filled gel stopped flowing form me, and I felt one funal tug, and my mind seemed to rip again, this time actually snapping into seperate sections. I felt the second part float out of my head, and then lost contact with it. I fell back slightly, and sighed as the pain began to receed.
"Geez, Healthy... I thought you were supposed to make people feel BETTER. I should cut open your scalp for making me feel that kinda of pain... Nah, just kiddin'!" I said to Healthbar, still not fully getting what happened.
"Man, you're ears bro...Dirty" I heard a small voice behind myself. I turned quickly and saw an amazing sight: A tiny, little, fully metalic Aron.
"Oh My God! Aron!" I cried out with amazement. I looked up at Healthbar and Tempest "He was really in me this whole time, existing in a state of suspended animation!" It all began to make sense. "Oh My God this is so COOL! C'mon little buddy, we're getting you BIG again!" I picked up Aron and Thought-Form Prjected myself a small pocket to keep him in.
We all raced out of the room, and I teleported to the outside of the building, having an idea. I placed Aron on the ground next to the wall.
"Whatcha doin' there?" Aron called upwards.
"Your ability," I said "Use it to absorb as much metal from this wall as you can, until you can grow to normal height. It should work, in theory."
With that, Aron placed his hands on the wall and began to use his ability. With a few seconds' passage, he began to grow, and row, and grow. Before long, he was back to his normal size, and fully metal. He pulled his hands back, and focused, trying to turn back into skin. His face and neck began to change, and slowly, so did his torso and legs, but his arms remained metal from the elbow down. He tried and tried, but couldn't change them. And with that, we hugged.
"Welcome back Armor." I said with true valiance, and then I was suddenly gone.

I looked around, and I realized I was in a dessert suddenly. How odd. I looked around, and not far from myself, a woman was standing.
"Hello Damian," she said in a melodical voice. "You're in for true pain." Then the whole world went crazy. I saw disturbing images all around me, and after about 3 seconds, the horrid visions stopped, and a whisper resounded PAIN, PAIN, PAIN, PAIN.
I looked around, and I was back in Aron's hold. What the hell had that vision been? Aron felt my disturbance, and asked me if I was okay.
"Yeah," I said, looking around. Then I teleported away.
I walked around Miami a bit now. It was full of Spring Breakers and tourists, but I was looking for something else. Food. Not literal food to eat, but a superhuman to prey on. I was hoping that I wouldn't find an innocent person with a cool ability, because I was very hungry. I don't know why, but lately my hunger has been getting greater and greater as of late.
I walked around and had no luck finding a single special person, so I simply sat on a bench and made a few fireballs in my hands, not really caring who saw. At one point a little kid came up to me with hugely visible curiosity in his eyes about my flames. I played around and made quick flashes while he looked hugely interested, until his mother ran up with true fear in her eyes, and compassion, and grabbed him away.
I sat on the bench and thought of my own mother, forced to be cooped up in a warehouse alone for the majority of this fight. Her ability could help us, I wanted her to fight with us, and I wanted to show her that I wasn't the person I used to be. But my hunger attack wasn't really helping with this.
As I sat and contemplated, something bad happened. I heard a voice behind me, a raspy man's voice. "All your money. Give me it" he was trying to use persuasion. I turned and said: "Sorry buddy, it doesn't work on me." This angered him, so he pulled out a knife and rushed at me, his other hand out stretch for my back pocket. I didn't even move, I simply telekinetically threw him against a wall.
"You know, theft is a serious sin, against the commandments you know." I said as I held him there.
"You're just ike me" he grunted "You have a power... Thought-Form Projection? What is that? Who's Maria West? She's special too!?" This guy was reading my thoughts! Telepathy, a wonderful ability, had simply jumped into my lap!
"I'm nothing like you, you're a criminal." I said coldly "I, however" I said as I raised a finger. "Am a killer." And I split his head open just like that. Then, I walked up and examined his mind. The telepathy was present in an extra lobe of the brain. I instantly started to use the power, although there weren't many more people since it was about 4 AM in the morning. Whenever a passerby walked, I read his thoughts. It felt so amazing to have this ability finally! I walked past a corner, and noticed an odd shadow, and felt an energy come from the point, an inward pulling. Someone had just teleported!
I raced to the spot where they had teleported from, hopng to see where they went, but the warp hole, although visible, was blocked off, and I couldn't understand where they had gone. What happened here? Had someone watched me? could they have fed me the exact ability I'd been wanting? So many questions, but I was probably overthinking. Maybe just another good teleporter? Who knows.

Well, I came back to TechPower Co. and found that Tempest, Cleo and Aron were all busy with some assignment. I decided to chill and post this, while I wait for Tempest. I haven't had my first TechPower Co. mission, but I surely want one. Hopefully I can get one soon?